Monday, April 12, 2010


As a Keralite 'veshti mundu'(dhoti) has been my weakness since childhood..It brings some sort of charisma or charm to the person wearing it...A true malayali touch i could say..

Mr.Amitabh Bacchan was in the news recently as he was supposed to be  the  "Brand Ambassador of Kerala Tourism" and later was rejected..Political issues played a major role in this and I read that He was truly disappointed in such a shame and disgrace he received from Kerala..As a Keralite and as an individual I felt ashamed for such an act.Some stupids do everything in the name of politics..Kerals is known as "GODS OWN COUNTRY" and how the hell its suits with their behavior towards such a great personality?DAMN!!!!!!!!!!!

Today I happened to read one of Mr.Amitabh's posts.I was truly amazed as i saw Mr.Amitabh in 'mundu'..and his thoughts on 'mundu' made me laugh for a while..

"The ‘dhoti’ in all its pristine glamour, tied up around the waist by shear will power and some dexterous use of the stomach muscle, else it slips down and opens up !! It is just a piece of cloth, no buttons, no belts, no clips nothing. Simple elegant convenient and with its own characteristic charm and above all - air conditioned at all times !! The fall of the main design as a strip down the front to be positioned on the right hip and just around the right knee. Rules of culture.."